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ONE TIME OFFER ($50): Get tickets to the exclusive meet & greet, photo opportunity, and book signing with Leslie Kaminoff. Includes wine (2 drink tickets) and cheese in our reserved space to kick off the weekend workshop on Friday evening.

ONE TIME OFFER ($20): Reserve a new copy of Yoga Anatomy by co-author Leslie Kaminoff for the book signing

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Here's What You'll Get:
  • 2 Days of Leslie Kaminoff's Workshop (Value = $397)
  •  12 hours of Yoga Alliance continuing education (Value = $245)
  •  Labyrinth meditation walk in hedge labyrinth garden
  •  Connect with a strong community of yogis and studio owners (priceless!)
  •  Special workshop members area with important links, notes, and pictures from the workshop (Value = $47)
  •  BONUS: modern marketing of yoga session on how to use platforms like Facebook to get students on mats (Value = $297)
That's $984 of value for only $397!
"Inspiring 2 days exploring breath-centered, individualized yoga and the legacy of TKV Desikachar. Great combination of exploration of asana and pranayama with technique. It has been an invaluable workshop. Thank you."

- Studio Yoga
"What a delightfully mind-blowing immersion. I will be re-imagining alignment for some time to come on my own mat and in my teaching."

- Martha B.
"We're so sad to see this amazing weekend end, but we leave with a deeper understanding of this practice we love and lasting memories we'll cherish a lifetime."

- Harmony Therapeutic Yoga
"Reclining in supported bridge after today's wonderful slow vinyasa practice with Leslie Kaminoff. Thank you Lydia Mann for the pictures and your assistance and presence at the workshop."

- Carey S.

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